Day one. It’s taken 54 years to get here. So many things have transpired. So many lives lived. So many more lives to live. I’m running off script. I’ve reached the end of what I’m required to do, per the American, white, female, middle class script. I have few expectations. Others have only basic expectations of me, which I freely and wholeheartedly embrace, and are mutually beneficial. I love my family. I love my friends. I am committed to these wonderful people. I may leave for a while, but I’ll always return. I feel no need to run away or flee from something. I’m running to something - learning, growth, adventure, love of the world and travel, self expression, self awareness, middle age refreshment, freedom from convention. What is conventional for a person like me? I have no idea. I don’t care. I’ve followed the script, I’ve played the roles, I’ve upheld my obligations. I’m so grateful I can do this. Grateful to be able to take the time, have the money, have the desire, be courageous enough, have enough faith that my kids will be fine for 90 days without me sitting at home, waiting for them to call or text or Snapchat. It’s time to embrace life, once again. But this time, I’m going to make this up as I go along. I have no script.